Barely a year after its successful launch, the AUTOFLUG FLYWEIGHT® seating family which offers safety seats for civil helicopters is supplemented by a powerful new addition providing drastically increased flexibility.
Atlanta, 6 March 2019 – “The slim, lightweight and narrow design is excellently suited to the kind of technical task we are continually addressing.”
Bereits 2017 trat Herr Martin Kroell (42) in die Geschäftsführung der AUTOFLUG GmbH ein.
Schutz- und Sicherheitsanforderungen schränken das Platzangebot im Innenraum geschützter Fahrzeuge zunehmend ein.
RELLIGEN, Germany, April, 2018 – The German company AUTOFLUG located in Rellingen, Schleswig-Holstein, has been collaborating closely with the South Korean company HANWHA Corporation, Seoul, for over ten years.